Eat Greek To Manage And Prevent Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a modern epidemic
Even if you have not yet been diagnosed, if you have an unhealthy diet and lifestyle you may well be suffering some of the symptoms. What is both frustrating and amazing is that most cases of type 2 diabetes are totally preventable, and if you have been diagnosed then eating right will allow you to live a great life.
Syndrome X is a gene that predisposes you to type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that between 20 and 25% of the UK population has Syndrome X and they will not know a thing about it until it moves to type 2 diabetes – and that will most definitely happen unless they take the right steps.
Type 2 diabetes does not come around overnight, but it is often a result of a lifetime of bad habits, which have just worn down the body’s capacity to help itself. Rather alarmingly we are now seeing it occur in younger people as a result of terrible diets. Of course there are always genetic factors that come into play, but we cannot solely blame genetics when we lead such unhealthy lives – full of stress, no exercise and eating a highly processed toxic diet.
Removing excess sugar and toxins from your diet forces you to get back into the kitchen and create amazing, tasty, and healthy meals. It is time you took the responsibility for both your own health, and the health of your family by making fresh, wholesome meals that will keep the symptoms of diabetes under control or prevent you from getting it in the first place.
Type 2 diabetes was once called age-onset diabetes but it can not be called that anymore as we are seeing more and more children and teenagers being affected. The World Health Organisation (WHO) say that global obesity is a much bigger problem than malnourishment, and with obesity comes an increasing amount of people with type 2 diabetes. It is thought that 60% of type 2 diabetes could have been delayed or prevented through a combination of physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight by eating the right foods and not smoking.
There are some factors that can also hinder your progress – one of the main ones is stress. When you experience stress, whether emotional or physical, your body releases a stress hormone, such as cortisol or glucagon as part of its inbuilt fight or flight mechanism. This is to help us act fast, defend ourselves and think quickly. Our body sends extra glucose into the blood to enable our muscles to move fast and therefore our blood glucose rises. This is a natural reaction, but when we are under constant stress these hormones start to do damage. This raises our blood glucose levels to the point where insulin is non-effective.
There is only one liquid we need to survive and that is water !
Have I shouted that loud enough? No pop or soda, no fizzy drinks, no juice; the only acceptable liquid to drink is water and the odd glass of red wine with your meal. Herbal teas are good too and no more than two cups of coffee a day.
Exercise! Exercise please! It will make such a difference to your life; it will make it so much better. You do not have to join a gym, but that’s not a bad idea. You can walk, jog, skip – do whatever type of exercise you like, just get moving. It has been said that if you lead a sedentary life it is as bad as smoking, so it really is important to do some exercise. At the very minimum do 20 minutes of exercise, three times a week, that raises your heart rate.
It has been proven again and again that the Greek diet, which is rich in vegetables and pulses, fruit and fish, along with virgin olive oil and a limited consumption of red meat, is the healthiest diet in the world. Combine that with cooking from scratch and exercise and you are on the way to good health. Let food be your medicine.
Eat Greek To Manage And Prevent Diabetes
Reviewed by Unknown
5:52:00 AM
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