
What is Clean Eating?

The up to the minute buzz word among fitness-conscious people is “clean eating”.   So, what exactly is clean eating? Is it about eating hygienic food that is free of dirt and microbes? No, definitely not. All of us already know that we should eat hygienic food. Then, is it about eating organic food? Yes, it is kind of eating organic food.

Eating clean is all about imparting better health to people by means of whole, healthy and unprocessed foods. You might not have heard this term a few years ago. But, the principles that relate to eating clean are not new. It is just a reminder of what you already knew. However, certainly there are some new facts that you would love to inculcate in your routine.

The theory of clean eating is based on modern nutrition science. The theory is also similar to the recommendations of public health organizations. When you eat well, the energy in your body maximizes and your health is optimized like never before. Thus, this concept of clean eating becomes more than just a diet plan. You can say that it is a new lifestyle that we had forgotten in the rush of fast foods and processed foods. It is a flexible routine, which means that you can modify it according to your previous practices of eating.

If you have ever heard of food movement dating back to 1960s, you would recall that the activists were the supporters of natural foods and they spurned processed foods, not only for health but also for societal and moral values. It gave rise to more gyms all over the globe, where fitness models and body builders found their best place. However, recently, America is also witnessing many health conscious people who want to keep away from processed foods forever and adopt clean eating. With each step of this movement, the concept of clean eating became more developed and refined.

You might have come across a new restaurant in your neighborhood, which claims to give away clean food. It obviously means that eating clean is gaining attention. But, how to do you know that it is good for health? You will get to know about the benefits later in this book. You do not have to think much about consuming more of this and eating less of that. As we said earlier, clean eating is not a diet plan; it is a way of life. In diet plans, you have dwelled upon the consumption of consuming a specific amount of nutrients. Eating clean is an extremely simple concept. The main idea is to be conscious of the path of food between its origin and the palate of your meals. In the simplest terms, it implies that you just have to include real or whole foods in your meals, not the refined, processed, or handled food. The food should be closest to its natural structure as much as possible. However, modern production of food has become so complex that it has become a literal challenge to eat organic foods.

What is Clean Eating? What is Clean Eating? Reviewed by Unknown on 12:54:00 AM Rating: 5

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